Thursday, December 9, 2010

S.P.M : The beginning of a real life

This is not my examination hall.

Salam S.P.M.

Define SPM.

Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia. Peperiksaan S.P.M. is the most important exam in life. It's the future of my life.

S.P.M. had started, so I want to share with what did I felt during the exam. The first day was really nervous day. I felt so nervous until I sweated. I was sweating and my heart was 'dup dap dup dap" so fast. I felt like vomit and headache. I felt butterflies inside my tummy. That's how I can describe my nervous feeling. Therefore, don't call and ask me "how's your exam?". Yeah, I hate that question so much.

However, I could overcome those feelings once I entered the examination hall. The hall that we used to have assembly and whatever ceremony in school. When I first saw the question paper on my desk, I kept telling myself to be cool. 'It's not first time you taking exam'..I prayed and prayed a lot before I could start answering questions. Bahasa Melayu paper 1 is the paper that I need to write two essay, one short and the other one is a long essay. I wrote until my fingers felt so tired. I drank my drinking water several times to make ensure I got enough oxygen for my brain to think. That was not-so-difficult paper I think. Bahasa Melayu is my mother tongue. Even tough I am not confidence with the second esay.

Below is how I felt for each and every subject.

Hari pertama. (23.11.2010)
Bahasa Melayu.
"boleh tahan. Soalan Manfaat ICT tak keluar pun. Saya target soalan ni"

Hari kedua. (24.11.2010)
Bahasa Inggeris.
"I tried my best, eventough I couldn't memorise the whole essay that I wrote before the exam"

Hari ketiga. (25.11.2010)
"Sejarah ini membunuhku. Tiada langsung soalan imigran Cina dan India, pembentukan Malaysia dan Gerakan Islah. Padahal I did focus on them so much"

Hari keempat. (29.11.2010)
"Paper 1 was suck. Luckily paper 2 wasn't bad"

Hari kelima (30.11.2010)
Pendidikan Islam.
"Oh my God!"

Hari keenam (1.12.2010)
Matematik Tambahan.
"My worst enemy, I nearly lost but paper 2 helped me some how.

Hari ketujuh. (2.12.2010)
"Paper 1 ok!, paper 2 oklah.., paper 3 KO!."

Hari kelapan. (6.12.2010)
"Demam+pening= bolehlah"

Hari kesembilan. (8.12.2010)
"Paper 1 : Ok, Paper 2: structure, bolehlah. essay hancur lebur, Paper 3: susah"

Hari kesepuluh. (8.12.2010)
Prinsip Perakaunan.
"Kertas 1 boleh tahan. Kertas 2 rasa macam nak mati pun ada"

p.s. tukar balik ke header asal.

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