So, hari ini saya bercita nak cerita pasal sekolah. Sekarang terasa rindu dekat sekolah. Kenapa? Mungkin sebab bosan duduk umah kut.
Before that, jom tengok gambar.
Bila SPM habis, saya rasa sangat lega. Tapi dalam masa yang sama sedih jugak tinggalkan sekolah. Walaupun sekolah dekat aje dengan rumah.
Banyak bende yang memang saya tak suka pasal sekolah.
Sebabnya saya rasa kantin tu kotor. Makanan dia tak berapa bersih. Even my friend found lalat dalam mee sup dia. Uweeks!
Kadang-kadang saya rasa peraturan sekolah tu melebih-lebih pulak. Dulu masa form1, form 2 and form3 tak delah banyak sangat peraturan. Naik form4 sekolah tu dah upgrade peraturan. Form 5 lagi-lagi bertambah. Nasib baik dah final year.
Oleh kerana sekolah saya masuk pertandingan edible garden so the whole school ditanam dengan pokok-pokok yang edible. Memandangkan kawasan sekolah saya kecik aje, dan ditanam pulak dengan macam-macam rasa macam hutan pun ada.
4. Berat sebelah
Mungkin saya je kut yang rasa. Apa yang tak penting didahulukan, apa yang penting dikemudiankan. Masa form 4, memang kami diabaikan. Tak de orang nak focus pada budak form 4. Bila time form 5 bukan main lagi sibuk nak ambik tau.
5.Terlalu banyak aktiviti luar
Saya tahu memang semua sekolah sibuk dengan aktiviti luar. Tapi sekolah saya terlebih-lebih pulak. Dalam setahun adalah 5, 6 kali buat lawatan. Yang stressnya, bila kita ckp tak pegi, habis kene kutuk. 'Mcm dia sorang nak SPM' Tahan jelah.
Ok. Ok! sudahlah kutuk sekolahkan.
Sebenarnya itu semua berdasarkan dua tahun terakhir saya duduk kat sekolah tu. Sebelum tu tak rasa.
Tapi sekarang rindu kat sekolah. Antara sebab-sebabnya ;-
1.Suasana belajar dalam kelas
Of courselah, rindukan cikgu mengajar, rindu meja, rindu kelas, rindu kawan.
Habis sekolah tak leh nak lepak macam time sekolah. Lepas ni tak delah gossip girls kat sekolah tu.
Kawan-kawan lah teman berlepak sama ada dalam kelas or library or mana aje kat sekolah tu. Rindu study riuh-riuh dengan kawan-kawan. Study ke?
That's all.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Denyut kasih Medik
Sape pernah bace novel Denyut Kasih Medik? Saya! saya!. Tiba-tiba datang kerajinan nak review novel ini. Usually, saya selalu baca novel-novel Melayu alaf 21, Buku Prima and so on. Baru-baru ni, masa pergi Alamanda, my sister bought this novel entitled Denyut Kasih Medik dekat MPH. She said this novel is really famous among the medic students in UIA Kuantan. And she's one of them. Of course lah! I mentioned it before. The best thing is dia bagi saya bawak balik Terengganu untuk baca.
Cerita dalam novel tak macam novel Melayu yang usually saya baca. Novel ni macam type novel Habiburrahman. Latar tempat dalam novel 90% dekat Hospital. Novel Denyut Kasih Medik ini pasal doktor houseman (doktor pelatih) bernama Muslih. Cerita ini menggabungkan fiqh perubatan, fiqh wanita dan fiqh cinta.
Dalam novel ini, semuanya macam real. Time macam novel ini, saya boleh bayang suasana hidup doktor houseman. On-call, kena buli dengan senior, needle prick dan macam-macam masalah yang dihadapi. Dr. Muslih kiranya sangat tabah dengan dugaan-dugaan.
Barulah saya tahu yang doktor pelatih kena posting kat five different jabatan. Then, lepas itu baru boleh specialised. Dr. Muslih sangat sangat tegas dalam kerjanya. Dia bukan jenis yang ikut protokol hospital yang entah apa-apa. Tapi dia cuba betulkan apa yang tak berapa nak betul kat Hospital tu. Sebolehnya mengikut syariat Islam. Bagus betul kalau ramai doktor macam ini.
Malaysia masih kekurangan doktor. Nisbah doktor dengan pesakit ialah 1:1145. Bayangkan seorang doktor dan 1145 orang pesakit. Mesti tension hidup doktor. Dahlah belajar susah. Jadi doktor pelatih pun susah. Kiranya sape-sape yang nak jadi doktor, tengah belajar medik sekarang (including my sister) dan dah jadi doktor itu sangat hebatkan.
Kalau saya jadi doktor sah-sah pengsan sebab tension kut. That's why being a doctor is really not my ambition. But saya sangat galakkan untuk baca buku ini. Untuk tambah ilmu. Bukan macam novel buang masa yang selalu dibaca.
that's all
p.s. lepas ni nak baca Bumi Cinta plak.
Monday, December 20, 2010
Life after SPM
This is life.
Sehari selepas SPM, terus travel ke KL. Semua pasal kakak saya nak balik umah dia kat Putrajaya. The next day pulak pergi JB coz ada wedding sepupu. Dan penat selepas SPM pn belum abis. penat tau SPM. Last Wednesday, naik KL balik. Penat! Exhausted! Nasib baik kat JB dapat pi shopping with mama. Shopping best!
Sekarang kan musim Krismas, so all shopping mall kat Malaysia ni gila-gila tengah sale and you can see Christmas decorations everywhere.
And what made me so suprised to see so many Muslim kerumung Santa Claus yang kurus keding yang tengah bagi gula-gula. Tak faham aku. Why Muslim need to be so excited about that Santa Claus?. Tu apa saya nampak masa pi Alamanda. Putrajaya kan majoriti orang Melayu, tapi sambutan Krismas kat Alamanda tetap meriah. Ya, I admit that I suka tengok pokok Krismas kat tengah-tengah shopping mall. Even kat Aeon Bukit Indah, JB, saya memang tertarik dengan pokok Krismas yang dibuat daripada botol-botol mineral. So creative!
But saya bukannya over pun. Just suka-suka. Stop talking about Christmas. Let's talk about Aisyah. My sweet, honey, darling, and naughty niece. Budak kecik umur 2 tahun ni suka cakar-cakar muka orang sesuka hati. Bila orang marah, dia buat muka comel. Gerenti cair tengok muka comel. But saya selalu marah dia. Sekarang pun dia tengah sibuk tekan keypad ni.
Now I'm in Terengganu. This house I called home. And nenek dan tokki angkut Aisyah balik Terengganu sekali. Without ummi and abi. Will she survive?. Yes, she's really tough girl. She didn't cry even tough without ummi. Whenever she misses her ummi, we will skype with her ummi.
Pagi ni, budak kecik ini mintak duit kononnya nak beli kereta. So tokki pun bawak dia pergi beli dekat bandaraya Kuala Terengganu. Saya dah lama tak pergi bandar sebab SPM. Masa kat bandar, ada kedai baru. Kalau kamu bukan orang Terengganu, kamu mesti tak kenal walaupun saya mention nama kedai ni. Namanya Xiri Kiddy House. Comel. Dari luar, terang-terang nampak warna pink. Semua pasal newborn sampai budak-budak ada dijual dekat kedai ini. Harga pun boleh tahan jugak mahal. Tapi sebab semua macam lengkap, saya suka.
Dekat Xiri Kiddy House, kitorang beli kereta mainan, berus gigi budak Aisyah. Banyak baju comel-comel dekat kedai tu. Mama kata lain kali kita datang lagi.
Hohohoho (macam Santa Claus).
Penatlah nak taip panjang-panjang, so saya stop dulu, ye.
Sehari selepas SPM, terus travel ke KL. Semua pasal kakak saya nak balik umah dia kat Putrajaya. The next day pulak pergi JB coz ada wedding sepupu. Dan penat selepas SPM pn belum abis. penat tau SPM. Last Wednesday, naik KL balik. Penat! Exhausted! Nasib baik kat JB dapat pi shopping with mama. Shopping best!
Sekarang kan musim Krismas, so all shopping mall kat Malaysia ni gila-gila tengah sale and you can see Christmas decorations everywhere.
And what made me so suprised to see so many Muslim kerumung Santa Claus yang kurus keding yang tengah bagi gula-gula. Tak faham aku. Why Muslim need to be so excited about that Santa Claus?. Tu apa saya nampak masa pi Alamanda. Putrajaya kan majoriti orang Melayu, tapi sambutan Krismas kat Alamanda tetap meriah. Ya, I admit that I suka tengok pokok Krismas kat tengah-tengah shopping mall. Even kat Aeon Bukit Indah, JB, saya memang tertarik dengan pokok Krismas yang dibuat daripada botol-botol mineral. So creative!
But saya bukannya over pun. Just suka-suka. Stop talking about Christmas. Let's talk about Aisyah. My sweet, honey, darling, and naughty niece. Budak kecik umur 2 tahun ni suka cakar-cakar muka orang sesuka hati. Bila orang marah, dia buat muka comel. Gerenti cair tengok muka comel. But saya selalu marah dia. Sekarang pun dia tengah sibuk tekan keypad ni.
Now I'm in Terengganu. This house I called home. And nenek dan tokki angkut Aisyah balik Terengganu sekali. Without ummi and abi. Will she survive?. Yes, she's really tough girl. She didn't cry even tough without ummi. Whenever she misses her ummi, we will skype with her ummi.
Pagi ni, budak kecik ini mintak duit kononnya nak beli kereta. So tokki pun bawak dia pergi beli dekat bandaraya Kuala Terengganu. Saya dah lama tak pergi bandar sebab SPM. Masa kat bandar, ada kedai baru. Kalau kamu bukan orang Terengganu, kamu mesti tak kenal walaupun saya mention nama kedai ni. Namanya Xiri Kiddy House. Comel. Dari luar, terang-terang nampak warna pink. Semua pasal newborn sampai budak-budak ada dijual dekat kedai ini. Harga pun boleh tahan jugak mahal. Tapi sebab semua macam lengkap, saya suka.
Dekat Xiri Kiddy House, kitorang beli kereta mainan, berus gigi budak Aisyah. Banyak baju comel-comel dekat kedai tu. Mama kata lain kali kita datang lagi.
Hohohoho (macam Santa Claus).
Penatlah nak taip panjang-panjang, so saya stop dulu, ye.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
S.P.M : The beginning of a real life
Salam S.P.M.
Define SPM.
Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia. Peperiksaan S.P.M. is the most important exam in life. It's the future of my life.
S.P.M. had started, so I want to share with what did I felt during the exam. The first day was really nervous day. I felt so nervous until I sweated. I was sweating and my heart was 'dup dap dup dap" so fast. I felt like vomit and headache. I felt butterflies inside my tummy. That's how I can describe my nervous feeling. Therefore, don't call and ask me "how's your exam?". Yeah, I hate that question so much.
However, I could overcome those feelings once I entered the examination hall. The hall that we used to have assembly and whatever ceremony in school. When I first saw the question paper on my desk, I kept telling myself to be cool. 'It's not first time you taking exam'..I prayed and prayed a lot before I could start answering questions. Bahasa Melayu paper 1 is the paper that I need to write two essay, one short and the other one is a long essay. I wrote until my fingers felt so tired. I drank my drinking water several times to make ensure I got enough oxygen for my brain to think. That was not-so-difficult paper I think. Bahasa Melayu is my mother tongue. Even tough I am not confidence with the second esay.
Below is how I felt for each and every subject.
Hari pertama. (23.11.2010)
Bahasa Melayu.
"boleh tahan. Soalan Manfaat ICT tak keluar pun. Saya target soalan ni"
Hari kedua. (24.11.2010)
Bahasa Inggeris.
"I tried my best, eventough I couldn't memorise the whole essay that I wrote before the exam"
Hari ketiga. (25.11.2010)
"Sejarah ini membunuhku. Tiada langsung soalan imigran Cina dan India, pembentukan Malaysia dan Gerakan Islah. Padahal I did focus on them so much"
Hari keempat. (29.11.2010)
"Paper 1 was suck. Luckily paper 2 wasn't bad"
Hari kelima (30.11.2010)
Pendidikan Islam.
"Oh my God!"
Hari keenam (1.12.2010)
Matematik Tambahan.
"My worst enemy, I nearly lost but paper 2 helped me some how.
Hari ketujuh. (2.12.2010)
"Paper 1 ok!, paper 2 oklah.., paper 3 KO!."
Hari kelapan. (6.12.2010)
"Demam+pening= bolehlah"
Hari kesembilan. (8.12.2010)
"Paper 1 : Ok, Paper 2: structure, bolehlah. essay hancur lebur, Paper 3: susah"
Hari kesepuluh. (8.12.2010)
Prinsip Perakaunan.
"Kertas 1 boleh tahan. Kertas 2 rasa macam nak mati pun ada"
p.s. tukar balik ke header asal.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Tomorrow is the ending
Tomorrow, Tomorrow, Tomorrow.
Tomorrow is December 9th.
Tomorrow is Thurday.
Tomorrow is my last day SPM.
Tomorrow going to be my last day wearing the school uniform.
Tomorrow I'm going to send all my textbooks.
Tomorrow is the ending of my schooling.
Tomorrow 4.30 p.m. , I will be free from the school rules.
Tomorrow 4.30 p.m. , I will not be a school girl anymore.
So be ready for tomorrow.
Tomorrow, Tomorrow, Tomorrow.
Tomorrow is December 9th.
Tomorrow is Thurday.
Tomorrow is my last day SPM.
Tomorrow going to be my last day wearing the school uniform.
Tomorrow I'm going to send all my textbooks.
Tomorrow is the ending of my schooling.
Tomorrow 4.30 p.m. , I will be free from the school rules.
Tomorrow 4.30 p.m. , I will not be a school girl anymore.
So be ready for tomorrow.
Tomorrow is..
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
She's my best buddy.
Today is not just another because it's my bestfriend's birthdate. Not to forget today's subject is Add Math. My worst enemy. My bestfriend is now 17 years old. We had been friends since 2005 when we were in year 6. Hopefully, bestfriends forever now and hereafter.
that's all.
till next time..
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Tujuh belas baru..
Sudah 17 tahun bernyawa. Thanks all the wishes, friends..
17 tahun maksudnya dah nak ambik SPM. Woo, less than a month left. I not ready untuk berperang. Sumpah, debar giler nak SPM. Bagi menjalani hari-hari terakhir nak SPM, semua orang tengah struggling mcm nak mati. Bila tengok semua orang sibuk study betul-betul saya tension. I always asking myself 'why am I so lazy?'.. SPM macam sejengkal je atas kepala. Time ni dah nak kena pecut laju. Takut tau kalu kecundang kat garisan penamat. Harap-harap tak lah..
Oo, ya... 23.10.2010,Lima tahun sudah jadi pengawas, secara rasmi berakhir hidupku sebagai pengawas. Hanya sekadar memakai uniform biru untuk ke sekolah. we (prefects) went to our very last (hopefully) Farewell Party. Not really a party, we called it 'Jamuan Akhir Tahun' or Majlis Perpisahan buat form 5 and form 6. SobsX5. Sedih but relief. Akhirnya habis tugas saya as prefect. Gee.
Lets see the picture.
that's all.
till next time..
Sudah 17 tahun bernyawa. Thanks all the wishes, friends..
17 tahun maksudnya dah nak ambik SPM. Woo, less than a month left. I not ready untuk berperang. Sumpah, debar giler nak SPM. Bagi menjalani hari-hari terakhir nak SPM, semua orang tengah struggling mcm nak mati. Bila tengok semua orang sibuk study betul-betul saya tension. I always asking myself 'why am I so lazy?'.. SPM macam sejengkal je atas kepala. Time ni dah nak kena pecut laju. Takut tau kalu kecundang kat garisan penamat. Harap-harap tak lah..
Oo, ya... 23.10.2010,Lima tahun sudah jadi pengawas, secara rasmi berakhir hidupku sebagai pengawas. Hanya sekadar memakai uniform biru untuk ke sekolah. we (prefects) went to our very last (hopefully) Farewell Party. Not really a party, we called it 'Jamuan Akhir Tahun' or Majlis Perpisahan buat form 5 and form 6. SobsX5. Sedih but relief. Akhirnya habis tugas saya as prefect. Gee.
Lets see the picture.
that's all.
till next time..
Saturday, October 16, 2010
juste un autre jour
Juste un autre jour. (use google translate to find the meaning). Obviously, I don't know if the sentence is correct or not. But who cares? Unless you speak and learn french, right?
Ok, lets talk the header. Since I'm so lazy to study the books then I chose to study the Adobe Photoshop. Out of the blues, this idea came to my mind. So this one is simple and yet beautiful. I think so.
the old one
This blog is boring. I know it from the start. I will try to make it interesting maybe after I finish SPM. Maybe. Nothing for sure.
till next time (I really don't know when it will be)
Juste un autre jour. (use google translate to find the meaning). Obviously, I don't know if the sentence is correct or not. But who cares? Unless you speak and learn french, right?
Ok, lets talk the header. Since I'm so lazy to study the books then I chose to study the Adobe Photoshop. Out of the blues, this idea came to my mind. So this one is simple and yet beautiful. I think so.
This blog is boring. I know it from the start. I will try to make it interesting maybe after I finish SPM. Maybe. Nothing for sure.
till next time (I really don't know when it will be)
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
How I spent my raya holiday?
How I spent my raya holiday? Watched movies and no study. Stupid and idiot me. Besides visiting people that I don't really know, I watched around five movies. Not including movies on tv during raya.
Ceritanya best, tapi mengarut dan bertentangan dengan Islam yang sebenar. How can a muslim guy get married to Hindu woman? That's insane. It showed Shah Rukh Khan's real life somehow.
This one is good. Idiot but smart! I read this review and since then I wanted to watch it myself. But I got no chance until my sis brought her laptop last raya.
Cerita ini tak menakut tapi menggelikan adalah.
Jalan cerita menarik tapi ending dia..tergantung mcm tu aje.
Satu lagi movie Cina tapi saya tak tahu tajuknya. Semua yang diatas best walaupun mengarut.
Sekian, Terima kasih
(macam tulis surat plak, haha)
That's all.
Till next time
How I spent my raya holiday? Watched movies and no study. Stupid and idiot me. Besides visiting people that I don't really know, I watched around five movies. Not including movies on tv during raya.
Cerita ini tak menakut tapi menggelikan adalah.
Jalan cerita menarik tapi ending dia..tergantung mcm tu aje.
Satu lagi movie Cina tapi saya tak tahu tajuknya. Semua yang diatas best walaupun mengarut.
Sekian, Terima kasih
(macam tulis surat plak, haha)
That's all.
Till next time
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
So I got..
Raya holiday ended. Trust me, I was so relax.
Trial result came out,
And I got only 7A.
That's suck! but still Alhamdulillah!
Struggling for SPM.
pray for me, please!
My raya picture! and that's not my baju raya. If you don't know me, I'm 17 years old. Just guess which one is me?
Raya holiday ended. Trust me, I was so relax.
Trial result came out,
And I got only 7A.
That's suck! but still Alhamdulillah!
Struggling for SPM.
pray for me, please!
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Hari ini 28 Ramadhan. Can you believe it? Soon will be Hari Raya. So wish everybody Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri, maaf zahir dan batin. Have a great Raya.
Friday, September 3, 2010
Berakhirnya percubaan
Percubaan dah pun berakhir dan tinggal satu langkah lagi menuju SPM. Jom countdown. 80 hari, 7 jam dan 15 minit dari masa saya menulis sekarang. Tak sampai tiga bulan pun. Percubaan telah berlalu meninggalkan harapan yang tinggi untuk mendapat straight As walaupun sudah tahu pasti ada spoiler untuk dapat straight As. Additional Math really annoying if I keep thinking about it. But I can't stop think about it. Feel the pressure really big now.
Dan setakat lima subjek yang telah diketahui markahnya. Alhamdulillah semua A walaupun bukan A yang membanggakan. Yeah, I am not a clever girl. I admit the fact that I am not genius. But I am still confidence to get straight As in SPM. The real exam!.
Am I too confidence?. No!. Neither we know each other. So don't easily say I am over confidence or what so ever. I am just confidence with myself because my teachers, the school and friends really trust me and other seven students to achieve the target. Salahkah kalau saya percaya akan diri sendiri? Takkan.
Forget about it. You are not important to me. What people said is really annoying sometimes. No, many times.! Ok, let's talk about what happened in school during trial exam plus Ramadhan.
Day 1, 18th August 2010 (which was my friend's 17th birthday)
Pendidikan Islam. Done with no hope but still A.
Biology paper 1 only. Done with great war. habis peluru tembak menembak. haha.
Day 2, 19th August 2010
Prinsip Perakaunan. Great job and well done. just 69/80. Increased. That's all I need.
Day 3, 21st August 2010
Bahasa Melayu. Great great job with Kertas 1 (karangan) but then just satisfied with Kertas 2.
Day 4, 22nd August 2010
Bahasa Inggeris. Just satisfied and not really well done.
Sejarah paper 1. ini kisah perang, kisah tiada penyudah. erti kata lain tembak aje objektif.
Day 5, 23th August 2010
Matematik. Penyesalan tak sudah bila buat Earth bukan statistik. Pelik kan?. Harapan A+ hancur disini. Hanya A.
Fizik paper 1. Adoi! peluru berpandu dah abis disini. hihi
Day 6, 24th August 2010
Physic paper 2. don't know what to say. Just done with no hope.
Sejarah paper 2. OMG! A lot of facts that I don't memorise. Quite scary!
Day 7, 25th August 2010
Additional Mathematics. Really bad job done and don't know what to expect.
Day 8, 29th August 2010
Chemistry paper 1&2. Great and well done I think. Sebuah harapan A.
Prinsip Perakaunan paper 1. Just satisfied with it. Got 30/40. Where are the other ten question?. Don't ask me!
Day 9, 30 August 2010
Biology paper 3. Harapan untuk A yang tak pasti. Done with hope to get A.
Day 10, 1st September 2010
Physic paper 3. Oh ya, we knew this one was done quite well.
Biology paper 2. I said before. Done with big hope
Day 11, 2nd September 2010
Chemistry paper 3. Please don't destroy my hope to get at least A- for Chemistry.
ok. Ramadhan during school time, memang langsung tak terasa especially when exam.
Sekarang dah cuti. Cuti pertengahan penggal kedua + cuti Raya = 2 minggu.
Have a great holiday while you still have time!
SPM, just wait for me!
Detik waktu dan suratan
siapa tahu ketentuan
ku mencari cahaya-Nya
dalam bayang kegelapan
Nur Kasih...
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Independent Day
Picture taken from here
Assalamualaikum everybody.
So as you today is Malaysia Independent Day. But for me there is no word as independent since I will sit for SPM by the end of this year. Actually, I am still in the middle of exam. And because today is public holiday, we don't go to school for sure. Yeah, I know that everybody using this valuable time to study but not me. My friend, Che text me this morning to ask me about biology. I replied it but then I fall asleep.
I have no mood to study. No mood!. Maybe in the evening I will start study.
Yet, I still have three papers. And by the end of this week trial exam will ended. Raya holiday will start by then. Tak sabar nak raya since my siblings will come back for raya. Plus my little nephews and nieces.
Oh ya, last Sunday, I got 1Malaysia netbook. So small little netbook which is not so good compared to this computer I am using now. The screen is very small which make my blog looks awful. So, I am not going to use it all the time because I prefer this 23" wide screen LCD monitor.
I know that my post is kinda boring post and I will try to improve it.
Selamat Hari Kemerdekaan yang ke 53.
Sudah 53 tahun Tanah Melayu ini merdeka tapi orang Melayu masih tak merdeka. Especially those Mat Rempit yang merempit time orang lain tengah sahur. Tolonglah, Hari Merdeka lebih meriah tanpa kamu yang tak sedar diri.That's all.
Happy Independent Day.
Friday, August 13, 2010
3rd Ramadhan 1431H
Assalamualaikum everbody!
today is already 3rd Ramadhan. And tomorrow will be 4th Ramadhan and so on. Yet, this Ramadhan is quiet exhausted. Can you imagine how exhausted people will be when they have to study for Trial exam. My teacher said it is a blessing when you have to sit for exam this holy month of Ramadhan.
And tomorrow morning, I have to go to school for extra classes. Evening, tuition at cg Martina's house. Night, tuition Chem and Physic at City. As usual, Sunday I have to go to school. That's gonna happen tomorrow. Not yet now. So be prepared. I haven't study for Trial yet. I did a few questions on certain subject. But that is not enough. Of course.
Oh ya, on the 1st Ramadhan, me and friends went to SM Teknik for some briefing about Matriculation. It always number one choice for people after SPM. The fastest way to University and get the degree. And I will love to continue my study in Matriculation instead of form 6 or Diploma. Why? Because I think at the age 18, we're not supposed to be tied with school rules. Right? If I'm wrong then I'm sorry. Diploma will just wasting a lot of time like people said. Hohoho, I don't really know about that. So I'm sorry again.
It is truely amazing if I get chance to study abroad. if and only. And it is a long way to go. Still a lot of time to think about it. The most important thing is SPM. If the result is not satisfied, then I have to forget about going oversea. So in order to be best student among all students in my school, I need to study hard. But LAZINESS really kills me right now.
Somebody help me, please!
That's all.,
p.s. I can't write any longer than this. Maybe next time.
wassalam. Happy Fasting!
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
It's Tomorrow!
Ramadhan is now here.
Selamat Berpuasa everyone!
"Wahai orang-orang yang beriman, telah diwajibkan ke atas kamu puasa seperti mana diwajibkan ke atas mereka sebelum kamu, mudah-mudahan kamu bertaqwa." Al-Baqarah 183
Selamat Berpuasa everyone!
"Wahai orang-orang yang beriman, telah diwajibkan ke atas kamu puasa seperti mana diwajibkan ke atas mereka sebelum kamu, mudah-mudahan kamu bertaqwa." Al-Baqarah 183
✿Harapan Ramadhan✿
Ku mengharapkan Ramadhan
Kali ini penuh makna
Agar dapat kulalui
Dengan sempurna
Selangkah demi selangkah
Setahun sudah pun berlalu
Masa yang pantas berlalu
Hingga tak terasa ku berada
Di bulan Ramadhan semula
Puasa satu amalan
Sebagaimana yang diperintahNya
Moga dapat ku lenturkan
Nafsu yang selalu membelenggu diri
Tiada henti-henti
Tak ingin ku biarkan Ramadhan berlalu saja
Tuhan pimpinlah daku yang lemah
Mengharungi segalanya dengan sabar
Kita memohon pada Tuhan diberikan kekuatan
Ku merayu pada Tuhan diterima amalan
Selangkah demi selangkah…
Dengan rahmatMu oh Tuhanku…
Ku tempuh jua
p.s. pagi sekolah, petang kena pergi dengar taklimat kat sekolah teknik and malam tusiyen (kalau rajinlah.huhu)
Monday, August 9, 2010
Currently listen to..
jangan pernah kau katakan woo woo
bahwa cintaku terlarang woo woo
karna tak ada yang tahu
arti cinta sesungguhnya
cinta datang dari tuhan woo woo
yang tak mungkin ku hindarkan woo woo
karna aku manusia
yang pastinya butuh cinta
kepadamu aku terus terang
bahwa aku memang masih sayang
demi kamu aku relakan perpisahan
hanya aku yang aku sayang
bersamamu jiwaku melayang
demi kamu aku relakan perpisahan
cinta datang dari tuhan woo woo
yang tak mungkin ku hindarkan woo woo
karna aku manusia
yang pastinya butuh cinta
repeat reff
cinta datang dari tuhan woo woo
yang tak mungkin ku hindarkan woo woo
karna aku manusia
yang pastinya butuh cinta
repeat reff
ooo perpisahan
cinta datang dari tuhan
Friday, August 6, 2010
Budak Ini
Sangat Comel !
Cik Ina rindu Syamil lah!.
Even though you always bully me.
Cik Ina rindu Syamil lah!.
Even though you always bully me.
Ini anak saudara saya. Nama dia Syamil. Umur 2 tahun lebih nak masuk 3. Cuti sekolah tengah tahun hari tu, this boy tinggal dengan saya. Dia suka ikut mood dia je. Kalau nak suruh orang bagi apa dia nak, dia buat baik. Tapi kalau tak dapat, satu kampung boleh dengar dia jerit.
Sekarang rindu plak nak dengar dia jerit-jerit. Dia tak pandai cakap sangat. Kalau dia main handphone saya, dan saya mintak balik, dia akan kata 'Mil punyerlah'. Itulah yang dia pandai cakap. Kalau toki tanye dah makan ke belum masa skype. Dia cakap "Dah!". "Makan apa?". "SUP!" dengan yakinnya dia jawab. "Sup ape?". "Sup yam" (sup ayam). Padahal dia bukan sup pun. Abah kata dia makan mi.
Masa kat KL, dia tengok kakak saya mandikan anak dia (Ihsan), Syamil pun nak mandi ngan Ibu (my eldest sister). Bila bibik pakaikan Ihsan baju. Dia pun nak Bibik pakaikan dia baju. Langsung tak ingat Cik Ina pun. =(
hhmm. Raya ni Syamil balik tak?
p/s: Dah dapat buku +math, thanks NADIA ADILA. Hari itu mintak tolong dengan Dayat tapi dia lupa nak tanya saya. Ada ke dia tanya nadhirah. Then bila Nadhirah cakap, dia dah beli. Terus lupa pasal aku. Padahal dah janji nak tolong belikan.. tak pelah, dah dapat pun. Kena spend masa untuk buat latihan +math starting this sunday since buku tu masih ada ngan Nadia.
Aja-aja Figthing!
Straight As Trial.
Kem Negeri. InsyaAllah.
That's all.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Antara Dua Cinta
Apa yang ada jarang disyukuri
Apa yang tiada sering dirisaukan
Nikmat yang dikecap barukan terasa
Bila hilang di dalam genggaman
Apa yang diburu timbul rasa jemu
Bila sudah di dalam genggaman
Dunia ibarat air laut
Diminum hanya menambah haus
Nafsu bagaikan fatamorgana
Indah di mata namun tiada
Panas yang membahang disangka air
Dunia dan nafsu bagai bayang-bayang
Dilihat ada ditangkap hilang
Tuhan leraikanlah dunia
Yang mendiam di dalam hatiku
Kerana di situ tidak ku mampu
Mengumpul dua cinta
Hanya cinta-Mu
Ku harap tumbuh
Dibajai bangkai nafsu yang kubunuh
Monday, July 26, 2010
No title
Assalamualaikum w.b.t.
Hey! actually I got no idea what to write right now, since it already several weeks, I didn't update my blog so I decided to update something.
Today, I'm fasting.
Yesterday, Aisyah and her ummi went back to Putrajaya. So sad! My sis and bro went back to KL too. My sister brought a cute sonic gear headphone for me. *I love it*
Aisyah, my cute little niece!
Last Saturday, it was a very tiring day because I had to go to school. Not my school but SMKSN which was my late sister's school. Three days were killing me. So tired. So exhausted!. Yet, good for me.. Because I don't really study at home. hush! Lazy girl!.
Last weeeek, I went to TTC for Smart Study Learning Skill. The motivator was En. Osman bin Affan. You know him?. Before this I didn't know him. hei, I never watched Motivasi Pagi @ tv3!
So tomorrow, Jabatan Pelajaran Negeri Johor will visit my school. So we need to wear full uniform like this one...
Ok. That's all..
Hey! actually I got no idea what to write right now, since it already several weeks, I didn't update my blog so I decided to update something.
Today, I'm fasting.
Yesterday, Aisyah and her ummi went back to Putrajaya. So sad! My sis and bro went back to KL too. My sister brought a cute sonic gear headphone for me. *I love it*
Last Saturday, it was a very tiring day because I had to go to school. Not my school but SMKSN which was my late sister's school. Three days were killing me. So tired. So exhausted!. Yet, good for me.. Because I don't really study at home. hush! Lazy girl!.
Last weeeek, I went to TTC for Smart Study Learning Skill. The motivator was En. Osman bin Affan. You know him?. Before this I didn't know him. hei, I never watched Motivasi Pagi @ tv3!
So tomorrow, Jabatan Pelajaran Negeri Johor will visit my school. So we need to wear full uniform like this one...
Ok. That's all..
Friday, July 9, 2010
Satu hari di UIA Kuantan.
Assalamualaikum w.b.t.
Hi everyone! Last Tuesday, my family and I went to Kuantan to send my sister to her new place. International Islamic University, Kuantan (Campus of Medicine). So, because it was Tuesday and I was supposed to go to school, then I skipped school. Just for one day, okay! Back to the story.
Around 10a.m. we started our journey to Kuantan, it was only 4 hours (I think so). We arrived about 1 o'clock there. We had to wait for other sister to come and send my sister's picture. I waited until about two o'clock. I felt really bored, tired and sleepy.
Memandangkan kitaorang sampai awal, so kita parking at the nearest which mama suruh parking there. I went back to the car with my sister, Nor after an hour to take something. Then some guy came and ask us to remove the car from that place. He said that place was only to drop belongings. We told papa and papa just ignored it. Hahaha. There was no sign that tells us not to park there. After several minutes, they made an announcement to order people to remove their car from that place. Believe me, nobody cared. When we came back to the car, there were still a lot of car parked there. Hahaha.
Oh, I met cikgu Hamid there. He is my school disciplinary teacher. I only met him and I didn't see anybody with him.
Lets me share some photo of UIA, Kuantan.
Jangan tanya saya soalan adakah saya nak jadi doktor?. Tidak sama sekali.Sekarang pun sudah penat belajar Biology kat sekolah. Cukuplah kan tahu basic aje. Tak payah sambung belajar dalam bidang science. Buat sakit kepala! hahaha.
Sampai rumah balik around pukul 7.15. Then, bersiap-siap pergi kelas PA plak. Penat giler!. Dekat tuisyen kawan tanya kenapa tak datang sekolah?. Inilah sebab saya tak datang sekolah.
That's all.
Hi everyone! Last Tuesday, my family and I went to Kuantan to send my sister to her new place. International Islamic University, Kuantan (Campus of Medicine). So, because it was Tuesday and I was supposed to go to school, then I skipped school. Just for one day, okay! Back to the story.
Around 10a.m. we started our journey to Kuantan, it was only 4 hours (I think so). We arrived about 1 o'clock there. We had to wait for other sister to come and send my sister's picture. I waited until about two o'clock. I felt really bored, tired and sleepy.
Memandangkan kitaorang sampai awal, so kita parking at the nearest which mama suruh parking there. I went back to the car with my sister, Nor after an hour to take something. Then some guy came and ask us to remove the car from that place. He said that place was only to drop belongings. We told papa and papa just ignored it. Hahaha. There was no sign that tells us not to park there. After several minutes, they made an announcement to order people to remove their car from that place. Believe me, nobody cared. When we came back to the car, there were still a lot of car parked there. Hahaha.
Oh, I met cikgu Hamid there. He is my school disciplinary teacher. I only met him and I didn't see anybody with him.
Lets me share some photo of UIA, Kuantan.
Jangan tanya saya soalan adakah saya nak jadi doktor?. Tidak sama sekali.Sekarang pun sudah penat belajar Biology kat sekolah. Cukuplah kan tahu basic aje. Tak payah sambung belajar dalam bidang science. Buat sakit kepala! hahaha.
Sampai rumah balik around pukul 7.15. Then, bersiap-siap pergi kelas PA plak. Penat giler!. Dekat tuisyen kawan tanya kenapa tak datang sekolah?. Inilah sebab saya tak datang sekolah.
That's all.
Friday, July 2, 2010
Making sense of it all
Hope begins in the dark, the stubborn hope that if you just show up and try to do the right thing, the dawn will come. You wait and watch and work: You don't give up.Anne Lamott
I try to motivate myself. Not to be weak and try to be stronger. I know that SPM is just around the corner. Only 5 months left. Can you feel that I'm nervous?.
Last Monday, Siti Fatimah came to our school to give talk. We, 5 Arif and 5 Bestari were invited to hear her talk. On this September, she will fly to Ireland. She is ex-student of my school and same batch with my sister (2003-2007). She is my sister's friend.
She said:
- Start doing revision from now on
- Plan what to study.
- Set your target.
- Divide your time fairly, not equally.
- Control your own self
- Be strong, don't let your self down.
- Television, facebook are not important.
- Study more on your weakest subject.
- if you don't like reading, then do the exercises.
- Don't just study, find 'keberkatan'.
- Allah S.W.T loves people who struggles to achieve success.
- Keep a good relationship with everyone.
- The quality of study is more important than quantity.
- Going out with your friends is not important right now.
- Motivate yourself.
- Develop your skills from now on.
That's all,
Till next post
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Wasting my time
Oh God, I'm wasting my weekend with sleeping, exploring internet, facebook-ing and many other things. Please don't ask me whether I'm studying or not. The answer is NOT. The only thing that I did is finishing my PEKA. You know PEKA?. A very annoying thing to be done this weekend. Let see, I think I'm not done it yet, but I don't really care. Last minute work is best work. So, I think I will finish it by tomorrow, of course.
What is PEKA?
Honestly, I don't really know what PEKA stand for. I know that PEKA contribute something in SPM result certificate. Can someone tell me what is PEKA?
Right now, I'm doing PEKA for biology. The experiment that didn't work and it just wasting time.
What kind experiment?
It supposed to be 'Transpiration of Plant'. The aim is 'to study the effect of light intensity on the rate of transpiration'. It was not an easy experiment to be done. The procedures were very long and a lot of rules to be followed. Every students were depending on teacher because there were so much work to do. At last, the experiment were just a waste. Nothing going right.
So, be careful when you are doing your experiment. Cooperation is very important in team work. That's what I think we lacks of. Like wonderpets said 'Apa yang penting? Kerjasama!'. Do just sit down and do nothing nothing like I did.
that's all.
Oh God, I'm wasting my weekend with sleeping, exploring internet, facebook-ing and many other things. Please don't ask me whether I'm studying or not. The answer is NOT. The only thing that I did is finishing my PEKA. You know PEKA?. A very annoying thing to be done this weekend. Let see, I think I'm not done it yet, but I don't really care. Last minute work is best work. So, I think I will finish it by tomorrow, of course.
What is PEKA?
Honestly, I don't really know what PEKA stand for. I know that PEKA contribute something in SPM result certificate. Can someone tell me what is PEKA?
Right now, I'm doing PEKA for biology. The experiment that didn't work and it just wasting time.
What kind experiment?
It supposed to be 'Transpiration of Plant'. The aim is 'to study the effect of light intensity on the rate of transpiration'. It was not an easy experiment to be done. The procedures were very long and a lot of rules to be followed. Every students were depending on teacher because there were so much work to do. At last, the experiment were just a waste. Nothing going right.
So, be careful when you are doing your experiment. Cooperation is very important in team work. That's what I think we lacks of. Like wonderpets said 'Apa yang penting? Kerjasama!'. Do just sit down and do nothing nothing like I did.
that's all.
Friday, June 25, 2010
Movies that I watched
Assalamualaikum w.b.t
Last school holiday, I spent my time watching Ninja Assassin, Cinderella (Korean), and The Street Fighter; the legend of Chun Li. Believe me, all of them are great movies. Ninja Assassin is quite extreme because too much actions in this movie. The street fighter is much better. I guess you know Kristin Kreuk, right? She is the heroin in this movie.
Raizo (Rain) is raised by the Ozunu Clan to become one of the most lethal Special Ops ninja assassins in the world. As a child, Raizo experiences severe training under the guidance of his "father", Lord Ozunu (Sho Kosugi): he is whipped and/or cut whenever he fails and is encouraged to hurt his ninja kin for their training failures. The only kindness he ever receives is from a kunoichi (female ninja), Kiriko (Anna Sawai).
As they grow older, Kiriko and Raizo develop a romantic bond, however Kiriko's desire to leave the Ozunu Clan for freedom is greater.
One stormy night, Kiriko decides to escape from the clan. She encourages Raizo to join her, but he decides to stay. They kiss and she then climbs over the wall to freedom; only to be caught and brought back by her ninja kin. Branded as a traitor, Kiriko is executed (a katana through her heart) by her elder ninja brother Takeshi (Rick Yune). As a result of Kiriko's death, Raizo begins to harbor resentment and doubt towards the clan.
After completing his first assassination, Raizo is instructed by Lord Ozunu to execute an escaped kunoichi like Kiriko. He rebels against his master by slashing his face with a kyoketsu shoge and fights against his ninja kin. Barely surviving, he escapes by falling into a nearby river. Raizo recovers and begins to intervene in Ozunu hits by foiling their attempts.
While staying in Berlin and waiting for Ozunu's next move, Raizo rents a small apartment where he secretly continues to refine his training until it is time to act.
Meanwhile, Europol agent Mika Coretti (Naomie Harris) has been investigating money linked to political murders and finds that it is potentially linked to the Ozunu Clan. She defies her superior, Ryan Maslow (Ben Miles), and retrieves secret agency files to find out more. The clan, finding out about the investigation, attempts to assassinate her but she is rescued by Raizo.
Mika convinces Raizo to meet with Maslow for protection and to provide evidence against the ninja clan, but Raizo is intercepted by a task force for interrogation. Mika feels betrayed that Maslow would trick her that way, but Maslow secretly assures Mika that he is still on her side and gives her a tracking device for emergencies. While Mika warns Maslow of the dangers of keeping Raizo, the Ozunu ninja infiltrate their secret base and slaughter all the officers.
Mika frees Raizo and he lures the ninja away as Mika tries to escape. Raizo kills and fends off as many ninja as he can while Takeshi continues to trail him. He and Mika manage to escape but Raizo suffers mortal wounds around his stomach. Resting in a private area, Mika implants the tracking device into Raizo. Unable to fend against the clan, she hides outside the hotel until special forces arrive to help her. By that time, the ninja have recovered Raizo and taken him back to their base, bringing him before Lord Ozunu for prosecution.
While hidden inside a steel locker Raizo uses his healing techniques to heal all major injuries before being reunited with his "father." Lord Ozunu decides to have Raizo executed as an example but is infuriated by Raizo's defiance to the end; Ozunu strikes against Raizo's internal organs, causing him to spit out the tracking device.
Europol Special Forces Counter-Terrorism tactical teams lead by Maslow storm the hidden Ozunu base and kill most of the ninja in the court yard. Takeshi and Raizo face each other in the burning Ozunu training hall. Raizo slays Takeshi and confronts Lord Ozunu in a sword duel. While Ozuno initially has the upper hand, Mika, fearing for Raizo's life, distracts and shoots Ozunu with her pistol.
Before Raizo can recover, Lord Ozunu stabs Mika in the heart. Emotionally ravaged, Raizo uses the 'shadow blending' technique for the first time and finishes off Ozunu. Mika, seemingly fatally wounded, is in fact saved by a quirk of birth: her heart is on the opposite side of her chest. Mika and Europol leave the destroyed Ozunu compound while Raizo stays behind. Symbolically, he climbs the same wall Kiriko did all those years ago and looks out at the surrounding countryside. Recognizing his freedom for the first time in years, Raizo smiles, ending the film.
The movie opens with Chun Li narrating her experience growing up aspiring to be a concert pianist. As a child, she moves from San Francisco to Hong Kong with her family. There, along with piano, she learns Wushu from her father, Xiang, who is a well connected businessman. One night, her home is attacked by Bison and his henchman. Chun Li's father fights them off until Balrog grabs a hold of a young Chun Li, forcing him to surrender. As Bison and his men are leaving with Xiang, Chun Li's mother tries to stop them. Balrog just punches her.
Years later, Chun Li grows up and becomes a talented concert pianist. At the end of one of her concerts, she receives a scroll written in Ancient Chinese text. On her way home, she sees a mysterious homeless man getting assaulted by street thugs. After the thugs leave, Chun Li tends to him and notices a spiderweb tattoo on his hand. Meanwhile, Xiang is shown working for Bison as a prisoner. In return for his services, he is allowed to view pictures of his daughter all grown up. Back home, Chun Li's mother finally loses her battle to cancer as Chun Li and her servants mourn her loss at a funeral
Elsewhere, we see Nash and Maya investigating a murder of several heads of criminal syndicate families in Bangkok. Chun Li on the side is meeting with a wise old lady in town who studies the scroll and tells her to find a man named Gen in Bangkok, revealing to her an image of the same spiderweb she saw tattooed on the homeless man's hand. With a new goal in mind, Chun Li leaves her home and heads to Bangkok. After weeks of searching for Gen without any luck, she sees a man being assaulted in an alley by thugs. Chun Li comes to his rescue and fights them. After a long battle ended by finishing them with a Bike Rack Drop Ultra move, Chun Li collapses in exhaustion. There, we see Gen pick her up to take her to his home.
Gen tells Chun Li that he knows how to find her father and that Bison has him, but that she also needs anger management. In response, she goes to an internet cafe and logs onto to find out more about Bison, who is now holding the families of property owners hostage in order to force them to sign their property over to him. Upon leaving, one of the owners is asked to hand over the rights to a docking harbor, allowing the shipment of the "White Rose". Chun Li overhears this. Meanwhile at Interpol, Nash figures out that Bison's headquarters are right across the street from the Police Station.
Later that night, Cantana, one of Bison's secretaries, goes to a nightclub. Chun Li spies on her and notices her jocking the girls in the club. Chun Li moves in and seductively dances with her before casually walking away into the bathroom. Cantana, sex driven, follows her and locks the bathroom window. There, Chun Li beats her into giving out the location of the White Rose. Cantana's bodyguards come back and Chun Li escapes after a brief shootout.
We are then told of Bison's origins. He is the son of Irish missionaries. He grew up an orphan having to steal fish from people in Thailand. In order to lose his conscience, he forced his daughter out of the womb of his wife prematurely. This somehow transferred his conscience into her. Back at Gen's home, Bison's henchmen come after Gen and Chun Li. Gen fights them off until Balrog blows up his house with a rocket launcher. With Gen gone and nowhere to be found, Chun Li runs off. She is then attacked by Vega, who she defeats soundly and hangs upside down since his claws weren't sharp enough to cut rope.
Chun Li then heads to the harbor and interrogates an employee into telling her the arrival time of the White Rose. Later that night, this turns out to be a trap as several Shadaloo soldiers capture her. Chun Li is then taken back to Shadaloo headquarters and is reunited with her father. Bison tells her that Xiang outlived his usefulness and breaks his neck, killing him. Bison and Balrog leave Chun Li to the henchman to finish off. Chun Li however escapes when they try to swing her around from the ceiling like a pinata. As she runs away, she is shot in the arm by Balrog. Before Balrog could recapture her, the crowd begins throwing durians at him. This scares Balrog as he drives off in his Benz. Chun Li meanwhile, is rescued again by Gen, who survived the explosion.
Chun Li approaches Nash and tells him she needs backup to take down Bison. Nash and Maya oblige as Chun Li approaches the dock employee who set her up last time. The employee tells her that he was forced into deceiving her and tells her the real arrival time. Chun Li doubts him at first, but he points to the white board at the arrival time, proving that it is true. At the dock later that night, Interpol agents engage in a shootout with Shadaloo soldiers. On a ship, Chun Li finds a girl asking where her father is. Meanwhile, Gen fights Balrog and kills him by stabbing him with a pipe spraying nitrogen. We later find out that the girl is Bison's daughter and her name is Rose, making her the White Rose. Bison takes her in and welcomes her warmly.
Bison walks into his office where he is ambushed by Gen. Gen however is no match for him. Sensing his daughter in danger, Bison goes back to his daughters room, where he finds she is gone. Gen shows up again and ambushes Bison, getting beaten up again. Chun Li then comes in and fights Bison. After a long battle, she hits him with a bamboo pole a couple times and drops some sandbags on him, making him dizzy. She then charges up a Kikoken and shoots it at him, knocking him off the scaffolding they were fighting on, then jumping on his neck and twisting it, killing him.
Back home, Chun Li is settled down as Gen pays her a visit. He shows her an ad for a Street Fighter tournament, telling her about a Japanese fighter named "Ryu something". Chun Li declines, saying that she's home for now.
This one is horror movie. I watched it alone during the day. Quite scary but not too much. Sorry, the sinopsis is too long to paste in here. If you want to know the story, just google it ok!
In my sister's laptop, there are a lot of movie to watch. Since I will sit for SPM this year, I can't watch all of them.
Just wait after SPM. I will watch all of them.
that's all.
Last school holiday, I spent my time watching Ninja Assassin, Cinderella (Korean), and The Street Fighter; the legend of Chun Li. Believe me, all of them are great movies. Ninja Assassin is quite extreme because too much actions in this movie. The street fighter is much better. I guess you know Kristin Kreuk, right? She is the heroin in this movie.
Raizo (Rain) is raised by the Ozunu Clan to become one of the most lethal Special Ops ninja assassins in the world. As a child, Raizo experiences severe training under the guidance of his "father", Lord Ozunu (Sho Kosugi): he is whipped and/or cut whenever he fails and is encouraged to hurt his ninja kin for their training failures. The only kindness he ever receives is from a kunoichi (female ninja), Kiriko (Anna Sawai).
As they grow older, Kiriko and Raizo develop a romantic bond, however Kiriko's desire to leave the Ozunu Clan for freedom is greater.
One stormy night, Kiriko decides to escape from the clan. She encourages Raizo to join her, but he decides to stay. They kiss and she then climbs over the wall to freedom; only to be caught and brought back by her ninja kin. Branded as a traitor, Kiriko is executed (a katana through her heart) by her elder ninja brother Takeshi (Rick Yune). As a result of Kiriko's death, Raizo begins to harbor resentment and doubt towards the clan.
After completing his first assassination, Raizo is instructed by Lord Ozunu to execute an escaped kunoichi like Kiriko. He rebels against his master by slashing his face with a kyoketsu shoge and fights against his ninja kin. Barely surviving, he escapes by falling into a nearby river. Raizo recovers and begins to intervene in Ozunu hits by foiling their attempts.
While staying in Berlin and waiting for Ozunu's next move, Raizo rents a small apartment where he secretly continues to refine his training until it is time to act.
Meanwhile, Europol agent Mika Coretti (Naomie Harris) has been investigating money linked to political murders and finds that it is potentially linked to the Ozunu Clan. She defies her superior, Ryan Maslow (Ben Miles), and retrieves secret agency files to find out more. The clan, finding out about the investigation, attempts to assassinate her but she is rescued by Raizo.
Mika convinces Raizo to meet with Maslow for protection and to provide evidence against the ninja clan, but Raizo is intercepted by a task force for interrogation. Mika feels betrayed that Maslow would trick her that way, but Maslow secretly assures Mika that he is still on her side and gives her a tracking device for emergencies. While Mika warns Maslow of the dangers of keeping Raizo, the Ozunu ninja infiltrate their secret base and slaughter all the officers.
Mika frees Raizo and he lures the ninja away as Mika tries to escape. Raizo kills and fends off as many ninja as he can while Takeshi continues to trail him. He and Mika manage to escape but Raizo suffers mortal wounds around his stomach. Resting in a private area, Mika implants the tracking device into Raizo. Unable to fend against the clan, she hides outside the hotel until special forces arrive to help her. By that time, the ninja have recovered Raizo and taken him back to their base, bringing him before Lord Ozunu for prosecution.
While hidden inside a steel locker Raizo uses his healing techniques to heal all major injuries before being reunited with his "father." Lord Ozunu decides to have Raizo executed as an example but is infuriated by Raizo's defiance to the end; Ozunu strikes against Raizo's internal organs, causing him to spit out the tracking device.
Europol Special Forces Counter-Terrorism tactical teams lead by Maslow storm the hidden Ozunu base and kill most of the ninja in the court yard. Takeshi and Raizo face each other in the burning Ozunu training hall. Raizo slays Takeshi and confronts Lord Ozunu in a sword duel. While Ozuno initially has the upper hand, Mika, fearing for Raizo's life, distracts and shoots Ozunu with her pistol.
Before Raizo can recover, Lord Ozunu stabs Mika in the heart. Emotionally ravaged, Raizo uses the 'shadow blending' technique for the first time and finishes off Ozunu. Mika, seemingly fatally wounded, is in fact saved by a quirk of birth: her heart is on the opposite side of her chest. Mika and Europol leave the destroyed Ozunu compound while Raizo stays behind. Symbolically, he climbs the same wall Kiriko did all those years ago and looks out at the surrounding countryside. Recognizing his freedom for the first time in years, Raizo smiles, ending the film.
The movie opens with Chun Li narrating her experience growing up aspiring to be a concert pianist. As a child, she moves from San Francisco to Hong Kong with her family. There, along with piano, she learns Wushu from her father, Xiang, who is a well connected businessman. One night, her home is attacked by Bison and his henchman. Chun Li's father fights them off until Balrog grabs a hold of a young Chun Li, forcing him to surrender. As Bison and his men are leaving with Xiang, Chun Li's mother tries to stop them. Balrog just punches her.
Years later, Chun Li grows up and becomes a talented concert pianist. At the end of one of her concerts, she receives a scroll written in Ancient Chinese text. On her way home, she sees a mysterious homeless man getting assaulted by street thugs. After the thugs leave, Chun Li tends to him and notices a spiderweb tattoo on his hand. Meanwhile, Xiang is shown working for Bison as a prisoner. In return for his services, he is allowed to view pictures of his daughter all grown up. Back home, Chun Li's mother finally loses her battle to cancer as Chun Li and her servants mourn her loss at a funeral
Elsewhere, we see Nash and Maya investigating a murder of several heads of criminal syndicate families in Bangkok. Chun Li on the side is meeting with a wise old lady in town who studies the scroll and tells her to find a man named Gen in Bangkok, revealing to her an image of the same spiderweb she saw tattooed on the homeless man's hand. With a new goal in mind, Chun Li leaves her home and heads to Bangkok. After weeks of searching for Gen without any luck, she sees a man being assaulted in an alley by thugs. Chun Li comes to his rescue and fights them. After a long battle ended by finishing them with a Bike Rack Drop Ultra move, Chun Li collapses in exhaustion. There, we see Gen pick her up to take her to his home.
Gen tells Chun Li that he knows how to find her father and that Bison has him, but that she also needs anger management. In response, she goes to an internet cafe and logs onto to find out more about Bison, who is now holding the families of property owners hostage in order to force them to sign their property over to him. Upon leaving, one of the owners is asked to hand over the rights to a docking harbor, allowing the shipment of the "White Rose". Chun Li overhears this. Meanwhile at Interpol, Nash figures out that Bison's headquarters are right across the street from the Police Station.
Later that night, Cantana, one of Bison's secretaries, goes to a nightclub. Chun Li spies on her and notices her jocking the girls in the club. Chun Li moves in and seductively dances with her before casually walking away into the bathroom. Cantana, sex driven, follows her and locks the bathroom window. There, Chun Li beats her into giving out the location of the White Rose. Cantana's bodyguards come back and Chun Li escapes after a brief shootout.
We are then told of Bison's origins. He is the son of Irish missionaries. He grew up an orphan having to steal fish from people in Thailand. In order to lose his conscience, he forced his daughter out of the womb of his wife prematurely. This somehow transferred his conscience into her. Back at Gen's home, Bison's henchmen come after Gen and Chun Li. Gen fights them off until Balrog blows up his house with a rocket launcher. With Gen gone and nowhere to be found, Chun Li runs off. She is then attacked by Vega, who she defeats soundly and hangs upside down since his claws weren't sharp enough to cut rope.
Chun Li then heads to the harbor and interrogates an employee into telling her the arrival time of the White Rose. Later that night, this turns out to be a trap as several Shadaloo soldiers capture her. Chun Li is then taken back to Shadaloo headquarters and is reunited with her father. Bison tells her that Xiang outlived his usefulness and breaks his neck, killing him. Bison and Balrog leave Chun Li to the henchman to finish off. Chun Li however escapes when they try to swing her around from the ceiling like a pinata. As she runs away, she is shot in the arm by Balrog. Before Balrog could recapture her, the crowd begins throwing durians at him. This scares Balrog as he drives off in his Benz. Chun Li meanwhile, is rescued again by Gen, who survived the explosion.
Chun Li approaches Nash and tells him she needs backup to take down Bison. Nash and Maya oblige as Chun Li approaches the dock employee who set her up last time. The employee tells her that he was forced into deceiving her and tells her the real arrival time. Chun Li doubts him at first, but he points to the white board at the arrival time, proving that it is true. At the dock later that night, Interpol agents engage in a shootout with Shadaloo soldiers. On a ship, Chun Li finds a girl asking where her father is. Meanwhile, Gen fights Balrog and kills him by stabbing him with a pipe spraying nitrogen. We later find out that the girl is Bison's daughter and her name is Rose, making her the White Rose. Bison takes her in and welcomes her warmly.
Bison walks into his office where he is ambushed by Gen. Gen however is no match for him. Sensing his daughter in danger, Bison goes back to his daughters room, where he finds she is gone. Gen shows up again and ambushes Bison, getting beaten up again. Chun Li then comes in and fights Bison. After a long battle, she hits him with a bamboo pole a couple times and drops some sandbags on him, making him dizzy. She then charges up a Kikoken and shoots it at him, knocking him off the scaffolding they were fighting on, then jumping on his neck and twisting it, killing him.
Back home, Chun Li is settled down as Gen pays her a visit. He shows her an ad for a Street Fighter tournament, telling her about a Japanese fighter named "Ryu something". Chun Li declines, saying that she's home for now.
This one is horror movie. I watched it alone during the day. Quite scary but not too much. Sorry, the sinopsis is too long to paste in here. If you want to know the story, just google it ok!
In my sister's laptop, there are a lot of movie to watch. Since I will sit for SPM this year, I can't watch all of them.
Just wait after SPM. I will watch all of them.
that's all.
Do read!
Assalamualakum w.b.t
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This is my first post for this blog. Hope that you will enjoy reading my blog. This blog is all about my life. Keep on reading as you wish, leave any time you want. ok!
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