Now, I'm proud to present my new blog design. Yes! I love the new one. Bye, bye black. You were awesome. But I need something new and fresh and more more girly. Hahaha. So, love it or hate it?
The old design ;
The new design ;
I heart it. More fresh looking compares to the previous dark design.
So, what do you think?
Okay, there is no reason why I changed my design when I have much much works to do. Perhaps, you can tell that I'm just wasting my time. But, whatever. As long as I'm satisfied. Yes, I do.
Currently, I'm working on Project 3 which is Transformation. The mock up model that I made is approved by my lecturer. So, I may proceed on making the real model. the real size model. Still, I need to add some more to my design and make sure that it doesn't look boring and dull at the end. This time, we are going to use coloured mounting boards ; red, blue and yellow only.
What's transformation?
According to my understanding, Transformation is transforming a platonic form (basic forms such as sphere, cube, pyramid, cuboid, cylinder, cone) into a tectonic form by adding, subtracting, rotating, repeating and much much more. Example? Go to this link. Just an example, okay. I'm using my roommate's laptop, so all the pictures that I think I can upload in my netbook.
But, don't worry. I will try my best on this project and I will show my project. Only if that thing goes well. Hahaha..
Okay, that's all.